Saturday, July 09, 2005

You Don't Need to Read!

Discover Why The World's Best Marketing Experts
Are Calling This Book "A MUST-READ"

Most people believe that they can jump online, begin promoting products or services, they're done. NOT! It takes work and anyone who tells you different is not sharing the truth.

Internet Marketing is a very lucrative industry however, it takes work, determination, focus and belief.


If you want to succeed, you have to give yourself time to understand where you are, what you're doing and who you're doing it with. Allow yourself time to READ!

You know, a friend of mine said to me, if you ever need to hide anything of value, hide it in a book. Why? Because people will not take the time to read, so your valuables are safe in a book!

WOW! I can see where this has been true in a lot of cases, not only with others, but myself too!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to become successful in Internet Marketing, it takes YOU! Persistence, determination and faith are just a few of the tools you'll need to make it. And, you don't have to read a book in a day. You set the rules, 1 page a day or 2 pages per day, whatever you choose...


I receive emails all the type of people asking me what books I read, who do I admire in Internet Marketing and, "how and why do you do it?

"It's simple. It's not easy, but it's simple.

My "Why" is very clear...

I'm allergic to Corporate America!

"NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen." Heb. 11:1

I knew that I had to draw on my faith. I had to seek God for His will and wisdom. A friend of mine, Margery Hinman said, "I put Him in the drivers seat." And I said, "I'm just there for the ride."

"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue;
and to virtue knowledge..." 2 Peter 1:5

You have to know what it is that you're marketing and who is your target market? Are you willing to do what it takes to learn how to create your website, learn SEO techniques to get your website listed in the top search engines, establish yourself as an expert by allowing people to know who you are?

I teach people all the time, if you know your why, God will do the how.

Another friend, Marnie Pherson wrote a great book , A Christian's Guide to Surviving a Home Based Business, some of the topics she addresses are,

* Do What You Love and the Money will Follow
* Designing Your Life for Success
* Ordering Your Business to Boom

Here's my favorite part:

"a home business is nothing like a fairy tale -- especially if you are not fully prepared. There are peaks and valleys, and sometimes the valleys last longer than the peaks."

And the rewards are incredible! Having a plan and working that plan will lead you into your desired results.

The Books I read...
Here is a resource to free mini-courses to help you write newsletters, sell products and to even start your own forum!

By the way... READ IT!

Did you know that one of the best methods of advertising is through Postcard Marketing?

Postcard Marketing reminds of a viral networking. Your postcard reaches one person and that person shares it with another person and that person tells another person about it and so on and so forth. The results. A virus is born about your business!

Ah-ha! You've just read all of this article. You see how easy it is to read? Have you noticed all of the references in yellow? These are resources to help you find what you need to get off the couch and get your passion into gear.

READING leads to ACTION and action leads to RESULTS!

You don't know what you don't know. A book will help to cure that.

Oh, before I go, I can't leave out one of the most important tips:

Did you know that , "to be considered professional, even home workers need a company name if they are in business for themselves. You do want to be taken seriously, don't you?" If so, you'll need to register a business name.

Now you know a tiny bit about Internet Marketing. That's what we're here for. To teach you what we've learned and how to put it into action.

For a detailed analysis of your business, contact us for a free consultation.

See you in the forums, establishing yourself!

"In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and he shall direct thy paths."Proverbs 3:6


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