Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Get Off-line!

Really! If you want to be successful in business... get off-line!

After a full day of work, it was time for a period of reading and reflecting on my businesses. Ready for bed, I curled up with one of my favorite newsletters, The WC (The Print Newspaper for the Work at Home Community.) There was an article written by Alice Seba of InternetBasedMoms.com entitled, "Can Your Passion Really Be Your Business?" Alice made some very profound statements when she penned, "Unfortunately, not all passions can become profitable businesses, so you always need to do your research." Ha! Did she ever hit the nail on the head. She also said, "You must reach a target market that is passionate about their interest or desperately need to solve a problem."

This got me to thinking about my niche: The Christian Business Community. I sincerely believe that this is a viable niche market and yes, it is my primary passion. However, this is not a easy market to pursue, especially on-line!

If you do your research about the "Christian business community" online, there is little to work with. Of course there are a lot of prayer and encouragement groups but none that seriously focus on business alone - as a Christian in Business.

Why you ask? Great question. Most of the people I've talked to indicate they have a challenge with promoting their business as a Christian in business. This is due to the fact that they fear the possibility of losing potential customers due to their spiritual preference. Another myth is, it's not good to mix religion and business. No one has ever said you had to, that is, mix religion and business. Simply put. It is a matter of principle. Biblically based principles. Like integrity, credibility, positive attitudes and most of all, prayer.

Since this seems to be a major concern for a huge percentage of on-line Christians in business, it's time to get off-line.

And I have!

It is amazing! 100% of the people I've talked to off-line, are unafraid! They are not intimidated by what people think about religion & business. As a matter of fact, they were excited at the possibilities of bringing their businesses on-line - as a Christian in business.

There you have it! If you're having a challenge on-line, get off-line! Research networking groups and mixers. Place ads in your community newsletter and submit press releases! Get the word out - off-line that is!

If you struggle with moving forward with your business, I encourage you to get "The Confidence to Act." Featuring, Alice Seba, Leesa Barnes, Lynne Kippel and yours truly, Regina Baker.

Until next time, "in all your getting, GET understanding!"

Regina Baker Copyright 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Christians TALK Business!

We're networking, selling products and services and... TALKING about it!

The Christian Business Community is making it's mark online with...

Christian Business Talk Radio!

It's about time! The Christian Business Community is networking! We're talking, and talking about business. Christian Business Talk Radio is Hosted & Co-Founded by Regina Baker, owner of Christians In Business.com.

"We're making our mark in the industry", Baker says. Her goal is to put the Christian Business Community on the map by interviewing Christians who are in business and newbies as well.

Baker says, "Christians DO have a place in the market place. We work, we have businesses as well as dreams and goals like anyone else. We are, an entity to be reckoned with. I have a dream that one day Christians in business will be recognized in it's own "target market." We will be established business owners and contribute "openly" to the business world."

For additional information and to subscribe to the Free eNews, visit:
Christian Business Talk Radio!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Stranger's Voice

If God said it, then I BELIEVE it!

Have you ever wondered why when you talk to another Christian, their conversations are sometimes more negative than a non-believer?

I know when I call on a friend for encouragement, that's exactly what I want encouragement, direction and scripture to help me overcome my current dilemma. Don't you? I mean who wants to talk with someone that will further beat them down by depressing them even more?

Like, "wow, that's horrible," or "Girl, you can't do that!." I've seen so many times where People give praise reports on health, family, fianances and business and someone will reply with negativity about the "what if's" and "the world just isn't like that," comments.

God is bigger than the world!

He declares that "greater is He that is within you, than he that is in the world."

I'm not so holier than thou to think that some things aren't suppose to be. BUT, if a person tells me that God blessed them, then who am I to say otherwise? If God brought it to you, He'll bring you through it!

Our attitude is the largest contributor to what we say and do. Our thoughts determine our actions and believe it or not, people want to be associated with positive, encouraging and integrity based individuals.

Christian means to be "Christ like." Christ didn't have a bad attitude, He didn't speak negative words into the lives of those He was in contact with. He was a Motivator, a peace maker and a teacher.

Psalms 125:1 reads: "Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever."

Therefore remember, the next time you're talking to a fellow Christian, make sure you speak the words of encouragement they long for! Make sure you're the confirmation they receive after praying and reading the bible.

For those of you who seek widsom, understanding, faith, encouragement and belief... consider the voice you listen to, because a stranger's voice is any voice that disagrees with Jesus' voice in your life.

Biblical Reference: John 10:4

Author: Regina Baker, Copyright 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why a Mastermind Group Will Help Increase Your Bottom Line Results

For years I've looked for ways to be successful as well as profitable on the Internet. Don't be fooled into thinking that it doesn't take research, probing, and most of all patience! One thing I've realized the most is creating relationships and networking creates a wealth of knowledge. It's not all about the "mighty sell" method either. If you are not willing to network to create a friendship first, you are in for a long haul.

If I may be straightforward, you have got to be teachable, coachable and trainable in order to be successful with anything you set out to do.

FACT: Some people are not willing to do what it takes to succeed.

FACT: Some people believe that they know it all and can do it ALL by themselves.

FACT: Some people are being blindly led based on the success of someone else and not their own success because they're too lazy to get the knowledge for themselves.

TRUTH: Knowledge is only power when the knowledge is applied to the task.


"There is synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a MasterMind Group. The beauty of MasterMind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion." Karyn Greenstreet

Get a SNEAK PEEK at what a Mastermind Session is!

For a limited time, Mom Masterminds is giving away a FREE 9 day eCourse which includes a 7 day FREE Peek!

Why should you?

Because this Mastermind Group will allow you the opportunity to learn about what you don't know! These are a group of very knowledgeable and internet savvy individuals who know exactly what to do to produce results! I mean, this is why we're online right? To be successful?

Don't let this opportunity pass you by because you've been bombarded and perhaps you're now in an information overload frenzy.

My Story

I joined Mom Masterminds a year ago and stopped attending because I had too much on my plate - well, too much off the wrong stuff that is. I was working my buns off and nothing seemed to work! So, I re-evaluated my bottom line and got rid of the things that didn't work for me.

Then I remembered!


I began to reflect back on the advice, resources and tips that Alice, Kelly, Nell and Lynette shared while I was in the Mastermind Group! I applied some of those techniques and it worked! To make a long story short, my business has never been the same.

FACT: The wrong information stagnates your growth.

TRUTH: Never let the challenges and struggles of the past determine your future!

Get your FREE Sneak Peek TODAY and make your own informed decision!

See you SOON!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Chitika `Ole!

Ha! I don't know why when I see the name Chitika, I think of salsa dancing and the phrase 'ole! (I love salsa!)

Chitika is the new buzz in Internet City. It's almost like Google Adsense, in the terms of placing ads on your site and generating income from clicks. It's really rather cool and shucks, who doesn't need a couple of extra bucks per day?

Don't take me literally here when I say a couple of bucks. I'm sure with persistent focus and the ability to place the ads on popular websites and pages with content, one could possibly make as much as most do with Google Adsense. The talk is: "there's an Internet Marketer who said he's made as much as $700 in a day."

It's the talk of the town and I'm in! Remember when Yahoo! first surfaced? And, Microsoft? What about Amazon? Even Google with all it's ad... sense. I wish I would have been there at the start-up of these incredible giants, maybe I wouldn't be sitting here typing this email to you! I'd be on a tropical Island soaking up every bit of it's beauty!

So, what do you say? Want to be at the beginning of something huge? Want a slice of this incredible pie? Or simply, just a little of the residue off the knife? Whatever your take, get in on this!

And the best part?

They have a referral program! It's called The eMiniMalls Referral Program. Earn 10% commission by referring your friends!

Hey Friend! I'm referring YOU!

Here's my referral url:

Go ahead and apply. The sooner the better because, every application is manually reviewed before being approved. Once you're approved, you can copy and paste code to put on your web pages anywhere you want.

Okay, don't say I didn't tell you 1st! LOL!

Pop me an email once you're signed up and I'll send you a 30 page ebook:

"Where, When, Why, and How to
MAKE MONEY with Chitika eMiniMalls."

I signed up through his affiliate link so I know he won't mind since I am in his affiliate "downline." cha-ching! ;-)

Ready, Set, Go!

Let's Salsa, 'Ole!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Use Your Belief Power!

Why do I believe this article to be true? During my morning studies, I received the following message:

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."
Mark 9:23-24

The question is: Can you believe?

"Your vision determines the pace of your direction."

Then I open my emails for the day and the message you'll soon read below popped up! Hmmm, the spirit of confirmation is enlightening and powerful! You shall be blessed and fed by the following article.

Make it a great day and PROSPER! and remember...
"Your vision determines the pace of your direction." Creflo Dollar

Regina Baker, Co-Founder

Use Your Belief Power!
By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler
Life Adventurer
© 2005 All Rights Reserved

Have you ever wondered how you came to be who you are? Why you think the way you think? Why you act the way you act?

Actually there is one source of why we act as we do ... what we are capable of accomplishing ... and who we are. That one source is beliefs. Your beliefs are the superglue that holds your entire personality together.

A True Story

Beliefs can run very deep. They are often securely glued into our subconscious mind, and are not easily overturned. There's a classic clinical story I still remember learning about years ago in an Abnormal Psychology course.

The true story is of a young man who suddenly believes he is dead -- a walking corpse. His exasperated parents struggle with him, and finally arrange an appointment with a highly respected New York City psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist tried his professional best to convince the young man that he was not a corpse, and that he was certainly not dead.

The two men fruitlessly argued the point back and forth. Finally the psychiatrist had an idea he was certain would convince the young man that his belief was erroneous.

The psychiatrist turned to the young man and asked, "Do you think dead people bleed?"

The young man thought about this for a moment, then answered: "No, all body functions have stopped when you're dead. So there would be no blood flowing."

The psychiatrist then took a needle from his desk and pricked the young man's finger. The young man gasped and stared at his finger in amazement. "Well," he finally stammered. "I'll be darned. Dead people DO bleed!"

His belief was so powerful that logical evidence had no influence over it at all.

Here's The Point

Here's the point of this old Abnormal Psychology clinical case: Unless you are willing to take action, your beliefs can remain beyond challenge -- even in the face of undeniable evidence they are not true.

Why is this so? It's because our beliefs have little or nothing to do with reality. They are artificially created "reality filters" built by our minds in an attempt to establish a sense of order and meaning in our personal world.

And once established, our beliefs then serve as a filter of our perceptions of the world around us.

Suppose you were told you're clumsy since early childhood, and you have come to believe it to be true. I'm willing to bet that if I give you a motor skills test proving you have above average coordination, you will "poo poo" the test as meaningless. Why? Because your deep subconscious belief would run right over the external evidence.

If you congruently believe something to be true, your subconscious mind will then automatically filter your perceptions of the world through that belief. In effect -- we only experience reality through our own belief filters.

The Power of a Belief

But there's hope. Here's a piece of history that illustrates how exercising the courage to challenge an old belief can actually shatter the limitations of an old belief-created "reality filter."

For many years it was universally believed to be impossible for mankind to run a mile in four minutes. The athletes of the time held this belief, and the scientific world totally agreed.

But then on May 6, 1954 -- something remarkable happened. It seems there was one man who did NOT believe it impossible to run a "four minute mile." In fact this man firmly believed this barrier could be broken ... and that he would be the one to do so.

The name of this remarkable rebel was Roger Bannister -- and on that fateful day he did indeed run the first historically-recorded "four minute mile."

Bannister's amazing victory illustrates the power of one man's belief in his own capabilities. But it is even more interesting that just six weeks later, Australian runner John Lundy cut one second off Bannister's record. And in the following ten years almost two hundred people also broke this so-called "impossible" barrier.

Why did this happen? Because Bannister shattered the belief that the four minute mile was impossible. And when that belief fell . the 4-minute mile suddenly became possible.

The Only Way to Change Your Beliefs

Your personal beliefs set and define the limits of what you can (and cannot) achieve in your lifetime.

If your beliefs are empowering, your "reality filter" will present a world full of opportunities and success. But if you are have severely limiting beliefs, your "reality filter" will present you with a lifetime filled with one disappointment, frustration and failure after another. That's just the way it works.

If you are not achieving what you desire in your life, there's 100% probability the source of the problem is limiting beliefs and reality filters. And this absolutely will not just go away on its own.

There's one way out of this dilemma -- tackle the problem head-on. There are two tools you'll need to challenge and re-program any limiting beliefs: (1) Absolute passionate desire, and (2) intense focus. Put these to work on an old belief, and you can become your own Roger Bannister.

Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler is a best-selling author of over 20 books, and former consultant to the Pentagon and a Presidential Commission, She is known around the world for her unique S.N.A.P. personal empowerment methods. She has just released the 10-Minute Solution -- a remarkable Self-Mentoring program for achievers. The Power of Focus is now available online. http://www.quantum-self.com/solution.htm

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What's the big Affiliate deal?

People ask me all the time, what is affiliate marketing and why should I get involved in yet another project that I have absolutely zero time for?

ROFL! and I think most of you reading this who are Affiliate Marketers are too, ROFL!

Let me put it to you very simple. If you're on the Internet, doing business and you are not involved in this very lucrative industry, you've missed the boat! In other words, you can be the best jockey in the world but if you're on the wrong horse, you will in fact - LOSE!

Ignorance is a disease I care not contract. Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and if you're letting your non-developed experience of what the Internet has to offer when it comes to Affiliate Marketing determine your purse string, you're only going to set yourself back a few light years.

Okay, so you don't have the time to do the research yourself. That's fine, because I happen to know of a few great resources to help you get on the "right" and "fastest" horse!

The first one is called Affiliate Classroom. This website was launched almost a year ago. Definely so, it is just that - a classroom. A place of learning but get this, all in your OWN time. The other great thing about Affiliate Classroom is that you can join for only $1 and if you decide after a full 30 days that it is not helping you in any way, you cancel! Now let me ask you this question, is investing $1 worth it for you to learn how to generate passive income while doing very little? I thought so, here's the link for you to check it out for yourself.

The second one is Affiliate Insider: Insider Secrets from The Industry Experts is the book that tells you HOW 30 industry experts started running a small website from home and churned their hobby into a successful and lucrative career; into a money making machine that affords them great life-style – making $$$ thousands a month! A tutorial style e-book of 320 pages of insights and strategies, tried and true testing ideas and principles including "how to" guidelines.

The Affiliate Insider is one of the best affiliate marketing "how to" manuals I've ever read! It is a step-by-step instruction guide on how to perform as a top affiliate including tips from a few of the top successful affiliate marketers on the Internet. Don't miss the opportunity to learn exactly how go from zero to a very comfortable understanding of how affiliate marketing works with results - $$! This how to guide is only $49.99, what a small price to pay to get what you need to succeed in this incredibly lucrative industry. There's a full page of information on this incredible manual here.

By the way, if you just want to stick your toes in the water and not get completely wet, I have an incredible resource for you. For only $2, you can grab this small ebook to wet your palet. "Easy Ways To Gain An Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition No Matter What Program You Are Promoting," by Jimmy Brown.

Don't play with the price of success. You either do or don't want to generate passive income. Always remember, the decision is yours.

See YOU at the Top!

Regina Baker