Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Few are Chosen

Why do we, "Christians" request prayer for our families, businesses, health and a host of other things when we've already made up in our minds how we are going to "feel" or make up our minds to justify how we feel about something?

Tell me, how do we walk around and proclaim Christianity but don't seek or practice what Jesus did to make things just a little bit better?

What I mean is, how can we say we pray, read the Bible, go to Church, attend Bible Study and volunteer in Church activities and still there's never any progress within us? No one is perfect -- yes, even Christians! There is only one perfection and He's not here.

Becoming a Christian is ever becoming. We never "arrive." However, with reading the word of God, meditating day and night, seeking wisdom and knowledge and knowing the conviction of the Holy Spirit, it is only then that we receive revelation knowledge.

Walk the walk and talk the talk. Be the example that Christ has given us to follow. The bible says, many are called but only few are chosen, I believe the chosen are the ones who deny themselves and put lost souls, hurting people, the elderly and sick in their daily prayers. Even when they are going through a challenge they put others first and share the profound word of God. They, are the examples of what it means to be Christian like.

The chosen are visionaries. They seek God's will and infinite wisdom even through persecution.

"Whoever has the world's goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the loe of God abide in him?... Let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth." 1 John 3:17-18

I see over and over through emails and Christian discussion groups how people send emails crying out for help from other Christians. I've seen how some of the replies have been warm and encouraging while others have been condemnation and assumptions. When people are seeking help, they are seeking the comforting truth of God's word - not man made perceptions of people. We should learn to show compassion and love - just the same that Jesus would do.

We should learn to give in Love and not judgment. We, Christians, should seek the truth of what Christianity means and what are roles are as Christians!

"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Phil 2:4


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